Frequently Asked Questions

The neighborhood association is comprised of individuals who have joined this volunteer-based organization to work in maintaining our area’s quality of life and to meet the challenges of our community.

We hope that you want to learn more and to take part in this newly-created neighborhood association – the more voices we hear, the stronger Four Seasons will become.  The following information provides some general information about our association.



Dues are $50 per calendar year.  See the Join page for details about where to mail your check.


Waste Management Negotiated Rates

Current negotiated rates for Waste Management that are available to all FSNA members are:

Garbage             $12.24/mo   ($36.72/quarter)

Recycling              $5.35/mo   ($16.05/quarter)

Yard Waste          $5.35/mo   ($16.05/quarter)

Fuel Surcharge     $0.00/mo   (none)

Effective April 2018.  Billing is quarterly.

If you’re a paid FSNA member and being charged more than this amount, call Waste Management and have them correct your bill.

This is an $80.00+ per year savings for FSNA member rates vs. non-member rates!


What is MetroCall (311)?

If there is something around the neighborhood that needs attention, such as broken sidewalks, potholes, damaged streetlights, common property issues, etc. you can open a ticket with MetroCall to have local government services investigate and respond.

All you need to do is dial 311 or file a ticket online at this link:

(click on “Submit a Service Request)

Here’s the MetroCall general information page:  http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroCall/

and here is MetroCall 311’s Top 10 Questions:  http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroCall/topten.htm


Speeding is a problem on my street, can we get speed humps installed?

Our District 11 Council Person, Kevin Kramer, provided a summary of the steps invoved when he visited our FSNA meeting July 2011:

Step 1: Petition process – stating that we want an area to be considered for one or more speed humps [see links below].

Step 2: Then the city comes in and monitors the number of cars and speed of cars coming in and out of the street.  If there is more than a certain number of cars per day, then you can’t have a speed hump because it’s a thoroughfare.

Step 3: A recommendation is made by the city as to number and location of the speed humps, as well as the cost.  (If a neighborhood association wants speed humps, District 11 will pay half the cost.  The neighborhood association pays the other half).

This whole process won’t occur unless one or more individuals in the neighborhood takes the initiative to follow the steps and process noted here:

Speed Hump requirements:


(click on “Speed Hump Policy” and “Speed Hump Investigation Form” links towards the bottom of the page.


FAQ  (What Do I Need To Do To Get Speed Humps Installed On My Street?):



I rent, can I join?

Anyone who resides in, owns property or does business in Four Seasons or Four Seasons II can join.


What are the benefits?

By coming together as an association, we will be able to gain access to resources that will improve our lives in Four Seasons, empower residents, exchange ideas and develop solutions, provide a forum for residents to discuss issues and create a social network of knowing our neighbors. Your annual membership dues pay for the street lights throughout the neighborhood. It takes seven (7) dues-paying members to pay for one street light for the year. The more people who join the association, the more street lights we ca afford.


Do I have to join?

Neighborhood associations are entirely voluntary and gain strength through membership.


If I join, what do I have to do?

By joining the association, you will be able to voice your concerns and have the association working to help address those concerns. You can be as involved (i.e. serving on the board or on committees, helping distribute information, etc.) or as uninvolved (merely joining and supporting by paying dues) as you choose.


What powers does a Neighborhood Association have to enforce regulations?

A neighborhood association is entirely voluntary and while it has no legal abilities to enforce regulations, with increased membership and positive reinforcement, it can make a real difference.







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